A huge number of cars were flooded in Europe as a result of severe flooding. What is most interesting, most of all, the car markets of the CIS countries will soon join the considerable number of these “drowned”, which will be recovered and sent for sale. In the purchase of such machines will cost “peanuts”, but in our markets, they will be sold at full price, and no one will ever know their history. Be especially suspicious if you are going in the near future to purchase a new car.
Flooded Cars In Europe
The star of Internet cat named Sauce Tardar, better known as Grumpy Cat, has no less charming brother Pokey. The cat became popular in 2012, after its owner posted her photo on Reddit. Grim expression muzzle Tardar associated with congenital dwarfism and malocclusion.
How would celebrities look without a teeth? Hilarious
Bars, street cafes and amusement parks in Bavaria were empty, as if after the storm, people gradually come back to life, family and work. They will remember whole year. But what was those memories? Someone will be happy, someone grabbed his head, and someone will not be able to combine disparate pieces of the last alcoholic weeks. Whatever it was, the girls from this compilation could walk to please others and the glory of men.
Take a camera and have a good time! Some people just get lucky or have a great patience to create these fantastic photos.
Today I’ll tell you about the Italian model Giorgia Vecchini, which is widely known in the world of cosplay as Giorgia Cosplay. Is one of the most famous and sexy cosplay maker in Italy. She was born on September 2, 1977, their first steps into the world of cosplay made in 1997 in the form of Sailor Mars, and later posed in the form of Wonder Woman for magazine “Vogue”. In 2005 she won the international festival “World Cosplay Summit”, the winner of numerous awards in this field.
In the daily routine of life and a very nice surprise to see the smiling house or something upset train. Even if the eggplant sad face, it’s all the same, anyway, cause you smile. We offer you an unusual assignment.
Are girls just beautiful in topless? I do not think so! There is some photos that will show more than they hide!
A great collection of cool foto illusions who have turned really believable. In other way, you can call these pictures “made in the right time”
When a sexy girl fighting in the mud – it looks even doubly enjoyable than if they were fighting in a conventional ring. Isn’t it? See below for a great portion of these pictures of girls struggling in the mud.
In the cult of Apple’s phone has interesting thing – the possibility of panoramic photography. Directly few people use it, because the function is very crude. But it is very funny. You can make and always find something new.
Interesting collection of Japanese girls in everyday life. Some of them were dressed stylishly, others – very unusual, is tasteless examples. But in general they are all the same after all the girls who can not love
How and when? - Explicit recognition of celebrities on farewell to innocence. Celebrities share the details of the first sexual experience at the show The Viev. Actress Lisa Kudrow, the most famous of which was the movies of the series “Friends”, admitted that she lost her virginity after her marriage in 1995. At that time she was 32 years old.
In each of these pictures is “hidden” any animal. While in their natural habitat and because of its natural color, notice it is not so easy.
People wear a strange clothes but would You to expect someone to wear it in the streets of some big city? In Paris You can find some people like these.
Great idea to use creatively paint fridge with washable marker, and every day you have a brand new picture!
Girl and guitar – in my opinion, is the most beautiful and erotic combination. No wonder that the guitar has the shape of a female body. This morning, I suggest you wake up to the admiration of beauty. It does not matter which of the two of you enjoy most – the girl or her musical companion. It is important that you are from indifferent of this topic is unlikely to go away.
I present to you a very intriguing photo project called Family Tree by photographer Bobby Neal Adams. In one image Adams joined portraits of two families, thus allowing to trace the history of one of them and the future of the other.
Have you ever had to stay in a not very good hotels or hostels? What were they?
In any case, I think that is worse than the Hans Brinker Budget Hostel in Amsterdam can not be.
In Berlin, held every autumn exhibition “Import Shop”, in which manufacturers and retailers from around selling all sorts of crafts and ethnic goods. In today’s entry we will not talk about the exhibition itself, which, by the way, I did not like (ITB or Green Week is much larger and more substantial), but only about one sweet rig. Italians brought to the exhibition is unusual chocolate making, which in my personal ranking of chocolate souvenirs immediately got to the top line. And to continue the theme, I’ll show chocolate counters of department store KaDeWe. Enjoy!
Great photo report on how a modder made a cool computer mouse in the style of the world famous movie “Alien.” By the way, her body was covered with structural clay, and then opened with a special varnish.
We already wrote about the amazing lakes with water in different shades, and today will focus on lakes with water pink. Very unusual!
An unusual exhibition of paintings from the sausage. And the world’s first exhibition of paintings from the sausage and meat products, which are copies of the “Mona Lisa”, “Girls on the ball” and “Sunflowers”, already inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records, was held in Rostov-on-Don.
Great collection of people who are absolutely not afraid of heights, from which the heart of an ordinary person just goes to the heel look
September 5 Great Pretender and just a talented man Freddie Mercury would have turned 66 years old. Let us remember his words and what he was and what it means for some people.
Some woody in a strange position, while others scratch his head in bewilderment. To be part of a new trend is simple. You have to take the given static posture in the most unusual place as soon as you can think of to take pictures and put a picture in the social network. Free diving
11 years ago September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were the U.S., the responsibility assumed by the terrorist organization “Al Qaeda.” The official version of government suggests that the four groups of terrorists hijacked four passenger jets. Two of them were sent to the WTC skyscrapers, the third planned in the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed in Pennsylvania. Conspiracy theorists strained EDT version and subjected to sharp criticism, sputtering and pointing at the apparent inconsistencies. Why have not found the wreckage of plane that crashed into the Pentagon? Why is the site of the crash in Pennsylvania does not found the bodies? Why do not the two buildings collapsed, and three? Why do they have collapsed? In 1945, the Empire State Building crashed B-25 – and nothing. And so on and so forth. Still argue. Consider pixel by pixel photos, film, write articles.
A talented artist Annie Ralli joined forces with the London photographer Ray Massey to create a series of works in which the hands of painted created different scenes, objects and subjects.
The author of these photographs rather secretive person. Until now, there are very few known facts. Him speak of his work. French photographer Little Shao was born on 15 December 1982. Apart from the main interest in photography, Shao engaged hip-hop, street dancing. The young man loves to travel. only last year, he visited the United States, Russia and Hong Kong.
Today we have the opportunity to evaluate a small selection of photos talented photographer, made in different parts of the world.
These abandoned cars, which are gradually rusting and falling apart, it is very sad to watch. After all, once they have faithfully served their owners and are wrapped in a lot of miles in his life.
Looking at these pictures, never guess that this is quite normal pictures that are drawn on plain paper. Nevertheless, it is.
Hideyuki Nagai – an artist from Japan, which is only 21 years, paints a picture with a broken perspective. But when you look at them with the necessary points, they seemed to come out of the framework and come to life right before your eyes.
These supermodels are known worldwide for its beauty. But what are they out of the podium, no makeup and hairstyles? Let’s take a look.
Plastic water bottles and drinks – one of the most disgusting and dangerous to the environment of debris: the period of their natural expansion of more than three hundred years, and the number is growing rapidly. The global problem of recycling plastic does not yet have a universal and simple solutions, and because many of the environmentally responsible citizens looking for ways to reuse the bottles. Britsman Designer Garth (Garth Britzman) from the city of Lincoln (Nebraska, USA) was used hundreds of transparent plastic bottles to create an original and ornamental canopy over the parking lot.
People who practice the ancient art – They are now a dying breed of representatives of the human race. In Austria, there is a firm called “Schmidberger” – a blacksmith, who custom-made armor, hand-made, for the production of each copy of which goes to 120 hours of painstaking labor. However, as a result of such armor is practically no different from the 500-year-old original. Schmidberger Brothers, who are the fifth generation of his family, continue the tradition of blacksmithing.
The stars – the same people, they are characterized by joy and fear, as well as all of us. Sometimes, however, many phobias stars is surprising. Today we tell you about the rare fears of stars.
A. Kristen Stewart and horse
Kristen Stewart repeatedly said that he hated horses. This fear is pursuing a girl from his childhood after falling from his horse, which resulted in a fracture of the elbow. However, filming the new movie “Snow White and the Hunter” Kristen had to overcome his fear. Representing the militant princess who is willing to fight for her happiness, she tried not to think about their phobias. According to her, the actress has come to terms with the idea that if it is destined to die under the hoofs of the horse, so be it.
Filthy Lurker – an artist, his art is literally attacking the audience. Who would have thought that from the windows of the building suddenly begin to crawl schupltsa green octopus, right in the middle of the road collapse stately giant banana skin, and the trees will have eyes.
Landscapes of the rotten fruits and vegetables
Artist of the 38-year-old Estonian Haikko Leis made a series of landscapes not of this world, which he called “Hereafter.” And he used to create these amazing scenery – only rotten fruit and vegetables.
Thousands of trails, roads and paths extend to the earth, but few of them are unique. Today you are lucky enough to take a virtual tour of these unique itineraries.
Have you ever wondered who is playing the role of a character?
Often, even the most unrealistic characters are well-known actors!
Let’s look at a selection of revealing more!
Robert Englund – Freddy Krueger
Sexiest singer of all time
“Popular American Journal of show business was Los Angeles Weekly’s top 20 sexiest female singers of all time. According to the publication, the representative of the sexiest of the world and music is a 35-year-old Colombian singer Shakira.”
Marketers are diligently trying to sell us various cosmetic products, that will make us younger and more attractive. They often resort to pictures in the style of “before and after.” In many people it affects smoothly, because the result is right before your eyes. But, unfortunately, it’s all a fraud. Magicians make the beauty editor of Photoshop from anyone.
“What is the secret of my beauty? It is Adobe Photoshop Day Cream!”
The new trend in modern society – Freeganism – involves reducing of wastage. Freegans try not to use the money, not wanting to appear a part of the economic system of sale. Therefore, they are rarely seen in public transport and the frequency of in landfills, where you can get food and clothing.
Dumpsters and landfills – the sources of food and clothing for the freegans.
The act of suspension is hanging the human body from (or partially from) hooks pierced through the flesh in various places around the body.
There are many different reasons to suspend, from pure adrenaline or endorphin rush, to conquering ones fears, to trying to reach a new level of spiritual consciousness and everything in between. In general, people suspend to attain some sort of “experience”.
Unexpected ice sculptures at Lake Geneva. Last winter was one of most freezing winter! However, in the end there are amazingly beautiful ice sculptures. You the amazing ice sculptures at Lake Geneva in Switzerland.
Imagine yourself in a large shopping center, when you come to the shop to the elevator, its doors open, you put a leg to go inside and then you discover that the elevator is not usual. A bit shocking, is not it? But it is the illusion of a 3D-artist and created by Andrew Walker in one of the elevators in the Southside Shopping Centre London.
February 12, millions of people say these words. Whitney, we will always love you! Probably hard to find a man who would not hear this iconic song. To many people it has helped to survive a deep and vibrant feelings. Couples kissed under it at discos, dancing in a slow dance, and shed many tears for the maiden entry of a song or a touching video clip from the movie “The Bodyguard”?
There is a story, “Like a cat with a dog,” but looking at this series of photos you will see that animals, even though his instincts, can demonstrate a truly magnificent example of friendship.
Moat – a deep, wide ditch surrounding a building or establishment, or used as an engineering field fence. As a rule, escaped the ditches around the forts, castles and other fortifications, as part of the defensive system and were often filled with water. They impede access to the castle walls, including siege weapons, such as a battering ram or a siege tower. An important property of water-filled moat – to prevent undermining. Let’s look at 20 of the most beautiful in the world ditches.
To create an image during a photocall during promotional filming and caught the paparazzi lens, but a lot of celebrities are in the frame with photography.
This episode has defined an approach to photography Jeffreys and theme of his work. He tries to make good pictures, and establishing relationships with each of those photographs. “I need to see their emotions. And I deliberately look into their eyes, trying to recognize the feeling. I walk into their world, when others just pass by, as if homeless people – invisible. I appeal to transcend prejudices and realize that they – are people like you and me. “
Nataradzhan Suresh a leading advertising and fashion photographer in India. Taught himself photography and does not believe that it is possible for someone to teach, if a man has no talent.
Modern sculptors adorn the city is very strange creatures whose meaning completely incomprehensible townsfolk, and artistic merit raise many questions. Today, we have selected the ten most ugly monuments of the world.
This is not a photograph, as it may seem at first sight. It’s actually – the drawings. This style is called – hyperrealism.
This dog had no luck. Her owner obsessed with glamor, and therefore it is not asking for your pet, the dog has changed the style.
In Russia, there WAS a competition, “Sweet Woman”, Which Started in the Year of Italy, Which is symbolic – IT WAS Sunny in this Country are Somewhat Different than in all the World Glossy, standards of Beauty.
Like you are standards of beauty?
Albinism (Latin albus – white) – congenital absence of skin pigment, hair, iris pigment and eye membranes.
Brazilian Gustavo Lacerda (Gustavo Lacerda) devoted his life to photography and in one of his series, under the telling title Albinos, Gustavo opened the way people albino in light portraits.
Another selection of cool accessories. Maybe you want something out of this as a gift for the New Year?
The American magazine Forbes has made the cost-effectiveness rating of the actors. Most Hollywood celebrities have defined payback, considering the ratio of revenue for the studios movies with their participation fees and the actors themselves.
The first year of life – the most important in life. At this time there is a development of major systems of the body, and of course nature. Some parents believe that children under one year do not understand, but this opinion is erroneous.
Online edition of BuzzFeed published a list of the most impressive pictures of the year. Most of the photographs that shocked the world in 2011, is occupied by natural disasters – the tsunami in Japan, tornadoes in the United States, drought in Africa, floods in Thailand. A considerable proportion of occupied and photo riots in the streets of Britain, Canada, USA and the revolution in Egypt.
An employee of a Charitable Organization with the help of photographs of rotting HIS Corpse iPad Cows during the Drought in Africa. Eruption Puyehu (Puyehue), Chile.
Many have an opinion that the star is something fantastic, a perfect and unearthly.
In fact, they are the same as everyone else. Let’s take a closer look at them and see for yourself!
Daisy Balloon – a duo of two creative individuals aerodizaynera Rie Hosokai and artist Takashi Kawada. Their tandem creates a great idea, but the most interesting of their work, in my opinion, are extremely creative wedding and evening dresses. However, want to warn future brides. If your bride on your wedding day will be a dress, keep it tight, and then suddenly fly away.
The consequences of ice storms and rain. Droplets of water topped with a crust of ice in contact with any surface, at temperatures below freezing, broken and out of the water flows that instantly freezes creating ice sculptures. The beauty of it is sometimes amazing!
The train was built in 1894-96, respectively. The composition of cars has changed several times, old cars were changed to new, changing and interior . In 1902 train consisted of ten cars. Some of them are meant for the royal family and retinue emperors .Another held baggage wagons, serving and kitchen. Later was added the eleventh car to be used as a church.
Emperor Nicholas II and his wife Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Tsarevich Alexei
According to the New7Wonders, the company that organized the international competition, first in the list of candidates was about 440 seats, but now the pre-selected seven winners. Official results will be announced early next year, as long as a list of seven sites that have received more than a million votes, as follows.
Unfortunately, we all grow old and inevitably yield to the action of time.
And the celebrities who do not go on TV, too, there is no exception.
Let’s see how some of the stars looked like as a child in his youth and now.
I will not suggest to mess around with this woman!
Meet Melissa Bachman is the leading program about hunting. This girl knows what he is talking in their programs. After all, she is a professional hunter. Let’s look at its prey, some of which are striking in their size.
“Magic” coffee grains for your “ideal coffee”!
To solve the problem of the “ideal coffee” helps project Coffee Joulies, metal device in the form of a huge grain of coffee, which will regulate the temperature of the drink, then cooling it, then heating up again.
The town of Biedenkopf lies in the west of Marburg-Biedenkopf district. Ringed by mountains reaching up to 674 m above sea level – the Sackpfeife in the Rothaargebirge reaches this height – the town lies on the upper reaches of the river Lahn. Together with 18 other municipalities, it belongs to the Lahn-Dill-Bergland region
Clockwise from the north, the following towns and communities border on Biedenkopf: the towns of Hatzfeld and Battenberg in Waldeck-Frankenberg district, in Marburg-Biedenkopf district the towns of Münchhausen am Christenberg and Wetter and the communities of Dautphetal and Breidenbach as well as the towns of Bad Laasphe and Bad Berleburg in Siegen-Wittgenstein district.
Hyper-Sub – a submarine and high-speed boat in a bottle
Not only is James Bond is now available heaped such things. Although, we think, and he would not refuse to try this worth $ 3.5 million high-speed boat that can dive into the water.
At the company-developer Marion Hyper-Submersible Powerboat Design has left almost 31 year design and construction of this boat. So he finally went on sale, turning the industry for good personal submarine!
As a boat, this device can reach speeds of up to forty knots, like a submarine – diving to a depth of 80 meters.
National Football League Cheerleaders
Cheerleaders – the support group, creating his performance favorable moral-psychological climate and environment of “positive fanaticism” in the stadium, softening aggressive mood of fans, fans, and control of emotions. However, the cheerleaders are not just before the football games, but also during other important events, ceremonies in schools and universities, military units – and not only.
A spectacular scene in “Mission: Impossible 2,” in which Tom Cruise and Dugrey Scott rush on motorcycles to meet each other, hold on to each other in the air and fall to the ground and continue to fight, would have ended strike force of about 350 000 newtons per square meter! 50% of people who have experienced a die on the spot.
Water - all around us, yet many of us do not have it. Amazing nature power to create such a beautiful scenes!
Let us admire the water drops, sprays, splashes.
Trash the Dress – quite a popular trend among the photos of those traditional wedding pictures. Briefly describe the meaning of the undertaking, it boils down to making the original frame, how to dirty, wetted, generally irreversibly damaging the wedding dress.
Most often it comes down to the bride to sit in the frame put in some not very clean place, or to dip into the water. But there are more extreme options.
Sexy girls who have tried to be a fireman. Hardly any of them ever put out the fires:) Most likely they just do it and that kindle a fire in the hearts of men.
Each year, the Association Headwear selects some celebrities in their collection. This includes well-known stars in hats, which are able to wear hats and make it unique. The list of 2012 already included Lady Gaga, Fred Astaire, Kid Rock Victoria Beckham, LL Cool J and Marlene Dietrich.
Sarah Jessica in the hat, thanks to which it first was listed in 2010, London.
Now you can see many things differently. What used to be invisible.
Drying the hair dryer. It is much more than dry.
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