Men are fighting over oil and energy, animals fight for a three big reasons- to eat or not to be eaten, over a mating rights and over a territory. The first two can be, easily, the construction of the last one. In that purpose, animals have the similar interests as men, so to say. Territory and it’s conquest gives animals a lot of benefits. Unlike men, animals don’t fight if the risk is too high or benefits too low. Then again, the more aggressive an animal is, the more benefits it is likely to gain. They are constantly trying to deal with killing and finding food and avoiding being killed and eaten. That is the over riding preoccupation along with reproducing and trying to stay alive. There is a huge amount of conflict and a huge amount of stress. Sometimes for the spectator this could be both thrilling and distressing, and that he often struggles with the dilemma of whether to intervene or to simply stand back and let nature take its course.