

U블럭 2013. 11. 2. 09:15

If you have a dream to travel the world, but have a budget to visit one country, choose Japan and visit the Tobu World Square in Nikko. This theme park contains over a hundred 1:25 scale models of famous buildings designated as World Cultural and Heritage Sites by the UNESCO and other important landmarks, complete with 140,000 1:25 scale miniature people. As incredible as it may sound, no two of the 140,000 miniature residents at Tobu World Square looks alike! The park also has 20,000 real bonsai trees.

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The White House

At Tobu World Square, it took 5 years for artisans to create the miniature reproductions of world historical sites like the Sphinx, the Parthenon, the Great Wall of China and the World Trade Center. From these pictures, it is impossible to tell whether they are real or models. Take the visitors out of the picture and your sense of scale is seriously impaired.

The park is open year-round at a cost of 2,500 Yen for adults, a little over $22, and about half that for children.

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Taj Mahal, India

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Pyramid of Giza

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Statue of Liberty, New York

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World Trade Center, New York


Forbidden City, China

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Tokyo Tower

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Palace of Versailles

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Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

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Buckingham Palace, London

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Milan Cathedral. The WTC can be seen behind.

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Parthenon, Greece

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Sphinx, Egypt

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Alhambra, Spain

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Windmills of Kinderdijk

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Great Temple of Abu Simbel

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Great Wall of China

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Narita International Airport

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New York robbery scene


New York street accident scene


Tokyo Station

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Another view of the Parthenon

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A cruise ship

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St Peter's Basilica

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Angkor Wat

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