
이상한 동물들

U블럭 2013. 11. 4. 21:46

weirdest creatures ever 00 in 5 Weirdest Creatures Ever Found

Weird creatures tend to show their faces on the planet Earth. Thanks to the Internet we are able to see a lot of freaky unexplainable photos of creatures we are tempted to call monsters. These are, as we see them, top 5 weirdest creatures ever found on the face of the Earth.

Piglet With Monkey’s Face

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Seven legged baby goat in China

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A goat with seven legs has been born recently in Jiaoliuhe township, Taonan, Jilin Province in China. The owner of the goat, a woman surnamed Song, explained that it was a difficult birth but the goat is standing on four of it’s legs and is feeding.
“It was very difficult for the goat to deliver the kid, so I used my hand to pull out. It scared me!” the owner said.
“It is the first time I’ve seen anything like this in 13 years.”
Animal experts, a local biologist Li Chunsheng have said the chances of long term survival are slim.

Source: 1

Monster Washed Ashore in Montauk

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This is an actual monster, some sort of rodent-like creature with a dinosaur beak. A tipster says that there is “a government animal testing facility very close by in Long Island,” but unless the government is trying to design horrible Montauk monsters that will eat IEDs and fart fire at bad Iraqis, we’re not sure why they would create such an unthinkable beast. What is the true identity of this creature?
Source: 1

Hell Fish found on the Beach

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Source: 1

Weird unknown creature found in a trench in Russia

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weirdest creatures ever 17 in 5 Weirdest Creatures Ever Found

This weird creature was found in an abandoned foundation pit in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. Looks like a stingray but not. What is that creature actually?

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