

U블럭 2013. 11. 7. 08:12

Ice cream sandwiches being made:

The Amazing Things In Process

Springs being made:

The Amazing Things In Process

Pencils being sharpened:

The Amazing Things In Process

Mold forming:

The Amazing Things In Process

Bread dough being cut:

The Amazing Things In Process

How holes are drilled in metal:

The Amazing Things In Process

Trombones being made:

The Amazing Things In Process

What a liter bottle of soda looks like before compressed air is added:

The Amazing Things In Process

CDs being made:

The Amazing Things In Process

Popcorn popping:

The Amazing Things In Process

How fences are made:

The Amazing Things In Process

Iron being shaped:

The Amazing Things In Process

Gloves being made:

The Amazing Things In Process

The horrible, horrible process of making a hot dog:

The Amazing Things In Process

The making of a dart:

The Amazing Things In Process

A knuckleball in slow motion:

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