
Amazing Body Painting by Trina Merry

U블럭 2014. 5. 21. 08:47


Amazing Body Painting by Trina Merry

Trina Merry is a fine art bodypainter based in the San Francisco, who uses living human beings instead of canvas. The following series of pictures come from her “Human Motorcycle Project” showinmg racy bikes created entirely out of naked bodies wrapped around each other. The images were used to promote the 2013 Progressive International Motorcycle Show, in New York.

“Everyone has seen the pictures of scantily clad women next to motorbikes and cars, and it can look a bit trashy,” Terry says. “I wanted to take the idea of a beautiful woman and the motorbike and turn it on its head by making the bike from the bodies of the models.”


To do that, Merry uses athletes because posing for five to six minutes at a time, over a period of 18 hours it takes to paint the bodies is grueling work. When they’re ready, Merry fits them together like puzzle pieces to create a living sculpture that blurs the lines of reality.




More body painting by Trina Merry



via Peta Pixel and NY Daily